How search engine works?

How search engine works?
Every seo specialist should know, how search engine works? Now we will know about this.
·       1st phase: Google (or other search engine) send robots to every new contents landing pages.

·        2nd phase: Robots crawls the content (I mean scan)  

·       3rd phase: Google stores that contents into their Database (Google Database, Bing Database). That means indexing.

·       4th phase: User search on Google by using a keyword. Here keyword might be anything. For example you search in Google by writing ( seo ). Here seo is the keyword.

·       5th phase: Google Robots sorts all the indexed contents following the keyword that user sue in searching time.

·       6th Phase: Google robots sort’s data by using Rank factors and other algorithm issues programmed.

·       7th phase: Google shows result (SERPS/search engine result pages)

For detail info you should click here

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