Tuesday, November 15, 2016

38 Content Marketing Stats That Every Marketer Needs to Know in 2016

Content marketing involves creating and filtering relevant and important content, so you can utilize the marketing procedures to change or enhance consumer behavior. Content marketing refines your communication with your customers, so you can build a strong relationship with them that ultimately rewards you with more sales and loyalty.

While it is proven as true that content marketing is the present and future of marketing, and many leaders and marketing experts around the world concluded the same thing. However, many marketers are yet to understand why. Now 38 statistics listed below will dispel any form of doubt regarding content and prove how effective it is for every company and industry across the world.

  1.  "Content marketing drives higher conversion rates" (Source: CMI) - if you put content marketers and non-content marketers in comparison, you will notice conversion rates that are nearly six times higher than their competitors. Although content marketing needs a solid investment of time, skill, and finance, it efficiently produces much higher conversion rates than traditional marketing. I know a SEO agency who has a good record on content marketing. They provides all SEO services, such as On page SEO service, Off-page SEO, Professional SEO audit and error fixation. They can Boost your site's traffic and sales.
  2. "Email marketing represents a useful form of content marketing" (Source: CMI) - upon comparing the effect of varied content distribution channels, it becomes crystal-clear that email marketing tops all with the largest overall reach. For every $1 spend, email marketing returns a staggering $42 in ROI. That is a whooping ROI, right? Email can be customized, targeted, and sent directly to a client's inbox, it is an effective and easy way for marketers to reach out to their clients.
  3. "42% of B2B marketers say they are effective at content marketing". (Source: CMI) - if done correctly, content marketing beyond the shadow of a doubt can bring skyrocketing outcome for your business. However, like all other eCommerce methods, it also takes time and patience to grow effective at it. 42% of B2B marketers register that they are effective in their content marketing efforts. Content marketing is a solid, long-term approach giving your brand more exposure.
  4. "60% of marketers create at least one piece of content each day" (Source: eMarketer) - if you want to build up your business, you have to be consistent. Companies and marketers who do not prioritize consistency stumble to gain leads. Lead Digital Strategist at Royal Jay, Robbie Richards amplified his traffic to 272% in 30 days by just publishing the right content and promoting it to the right people.
  5. "200 million people now use ad blockers" (Source: CMI) - as of August 2015, 200 million people worldwide installed tools on to their computer, and phones to block ads. Well, if you are a marketer and rely on paid advertising, then the news does not bode well for you. So, how can you promote your content and reach out to the people who are trying to block you? The secret is content. If your content is good, then customers are likely to interact with you. 
  6. "Content marketing leaders experience 7.8 times more traffic that non-leaders" (Source: CMI) - people who can create attractive, well-woven, valuable content can grab the readers' attention strongly and experience more traffic to their sites than their competitors. People want valuable, useful content, if you can provide them with that. You are also likely to see an uptick in traffic.
  7. "Content produces brand recall, which increases engagement" (Source: CMI) - 56% of marketers believe content based on personal needs can increase engagement rates. Personalized content carves your brand's name in the consumers' mind. This type of content also entices consumers to engage more with your company.
  8. "Year-over-year growth in unique site traffic is 7.8x higher for content marketing leaders compared to followers (16.7% vs. 2.5%)" (Source: Aberdeen) - content marketing leaders set the pace of ongoing marketing trends. Leaders have their ways of blazing a trail while influencing others to follow in their footsteps. However, leaders seem to be lagging behind in encouraging novices and their existing followers. So, what should we, followers, do? We may try retracing the path the leaders created, and increase our time on writing instead of reading.
  9. "57% of marketers reported custom content was their top marketing priority for 2014" (source: Altimeter) - your customized content will grant you 78% consumers. But, what is custom content to begin with? Custom content refers to the creation of branded content for a customer. Custom content will help you communicate with your existing customers.
  10. "61% of customers are influenced by custom content" (source: Dragon Search Marketing) - that is a whopping number of customers. If you run a membership site for example, custom content will help you grow and retain your customers. Because custom content focuses on usage instructions of a product. And, custom content instructs you on how you can utilize it the best.
  11. "While content marketing costs 62% less than outbound marketing, it generates more than three times as many leads" (source- CMI)  - while content marketing beginners may assume that content marketing is expensive, actually it is not. It is actually cheaper than traditional marketing methods. Because content marketing can significantly lessen your investment spent on advertising. Due to being useful, easy to begin, content marketing became popular with consumers.
  12. "The majority (88%) of B2B marketers use content marketing in their marketing strategies" (source-CMI) - most B2B marketers prefer content marketing, so they can use it to provide foundation for their marketing strategy. Content marketing actually offers extreme flexibility for brands and companies to communicate with their customers. That is why for sustainable value, marketers choose CM.
  13. "Most B2B marketers use at least 13 content marketing tactics" (source-CMI) - marketers want to wade through dense competitors as the competition platforms become populated with new investment, new competitors. That is why, marketers push various content formats and deliver them to see which one is performing better. They also use several different marketing platforms to publish the content. Content marketing wields more power when publishing them through different channels.
  14. "73% of major organizations hire someone to change their content marketing strategy." (Source-CMI) - as content marketing is becoming more and more popular everyday, major companies consider hiring people to take care of their content creation, publishing and distribution.    
  15. "78% of CMOs believe content is the future of marketing." (Source: DemandMetric) - with the evolution of the web, the cacophony the audiences are creating on social media is becoming louder each day. Businesses and CMOs need to cash in too if they want to utilize the congregation. You may try revising marketing tactics and tune them in a way that involves listening to the audience more. Use email segmentation, create attractive content, check out other blogs, forums and see what is working for them and how you can attract their customers to your blog.
  16. "39% of marketing budget is spent on content marketing by the most effective B2B marketers." (Source: TopRankBlog) - another stat that proves why you need to consider allotting a certain percentage of your marketing budget towards content creation, content metrics, and distribution.
  17. "48% of smaller organizations have a documented content strategy, compared to only 41% of larger organizations." (Source: CMI) - clever marketers do not reinvent what already is performing well. They know what is working for them and re-produce it. And, a documented strategy gives them the upper hand in generating more leads.
  18. "60% of the most effective B2C marketers have a documented strategy." (Source: CMI) - we learned of the stat how documented strategy helps replicate strategy and win. That also applies for B2C marketers. If you want to engage customers more, then producing a variety of content will make your tasks much easier.
  19. "70% of B2B marketers rate in-person events as effective." (Source- TopRankBlog) - speaking on the stump is one of the most effective ways to grow your blog. But, in-person events lead to even better results for B2B marketers than for B2C marketers.
  20. "74% of people suffer from glossophobia (fear of public speaking)." (Source: BrandonGaille) - speaking in the public causes anxiety for many people. It is also true for content and digital marketers. You need to hone your public speaking skill if you want to promote your brand further.
  21. "B2B marketers with a documented strategy are more likely to consider themselves effective." (Source: CMI) - the importance of a documented strategy cannot be understated. It worked for B2C marketers, it works for B2B marketers too. You do not need to reinvent a strategy all the time. Just develop a winning strategy, and stick to it, unless it needs tweaking.
  22. "86% of highly effective organizations have someone in charge of content strategy." (Source: CMI) - successful CEOs and marketing experts who found success in their various sectors prioritize time over money. That is why they appoint a skilled person to maintain content creation and promotion.
  23. "72% of marketers think that branded content is more effective than magazine ads." (Source: Custom Content Council) - as the Webosphere got expansive, and unfettered, there has been a steady decline in the demand for traditional publications like magazines, newspapers and journals. These channels may not completely vanish, but it is time for the www. And, they are also aware of it, that is why they publish an online version of their printed version, and it ensures their fluent existence in virtual world. Create branded content to appeal to more customers.
  24. "69% of marketers say content is superior to direct mail and PR." (Source: Custom Content Council) - several traditional marketing tactics have experienced better results creating effective content and sourcing the ideal customers to target. And, the tactic is much more powerful than sending promotional perks or direct mail pieces to them.
  25. "Almost 60% of marketers reuse content two to five times. They generate "snackable" content based on assets." (Source: LookBookHQ) - content re-supplying proved critical for a successful marketing campaign. Content repurposing is the quickest way to generate snackable content.
  26. "64% of B2B marketers outsource writing." (Source: TopRankBlog) - content outsourcing dominates a large part when it comes to lead generation and improving productivity.
  27. "50% of respondents expressed a desire to be able to measure how much real attention people are paying to their content." (Source: Contently) - you need measure every metric everything distinctively to determine how much real attention people are paying to your content.
  28. "72% of marketers are producing significantly more content than they did a year ago." (Source: CMI) - be mindful of content quality rather than content quantity. 72% of marketers are producing more content, however focus on their quality too.
  29. "82% of marketers who blog see positive ROI from their inbound marketing." (Source: HubSpot) - blogging wields a key factor in growing your online business. Consider blogging more.
  30. "The most common content marketing delivery mechanism is social media, used by 87% of marketers." (Source: CMI) - leverage the power of social media to build relationship with your customers.
  31. "76% of B2B marketers blog and 73% publish case studies." (Source: CMI) - case study is a type of content that will increase traffic to your site.
  32. "About 49% of marketers are learning to drive content to align with the buyer's journey." (Source: LookBookHQ) - customers go through many different stages of a cycle to buy your product, so align your content with each stage.
  33. "Up to 81% of marketers plan to increase their use of original written content." (Source: Social Media Examiner) - effective, informative, useful, and original content offer an exquisite experience for readers.
  34. "Last year, infographic usage grew from 9% to 52%." (source: DemandGem) - aesthetic, useful infographics can trim a complicated topic into a simple matter visually. More and more companies are opting for infographic usability.
  35. "The demand for infographics has increased 800% in the past year." (Source: Unbounce) - as infographics can highlight a complex topic in the most simplest forms, its demand has increased by 800%.
  36. "91% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to distribute content." (Source: TopRankBlog) - opt to LinkedIn if you want to appeal to an audience who will value and respond to your content. LinkedIn should be your #1 choice for creating professional-looking content.
  37. "28% of marketers want to learn more about the art of podcasting." (Source: Social Media Examiner) - a lot of people prefer listening to reading. Marketers who leverage podcasting benefits can attest to its effectiveness.
  38. "58% of marketers said “original written content” is the most important type of content, outdoing visuals and videos." (Source: Social Media Examiner ) - You may have heard a lot about prioritizing video content, infographics, visual content, etc. However, a survey conducted by Social Media Examiner more than half of marketers prefer original written content to visual content. The datum could bode well for you if you do not have the budget to finance visual content. You can still focus on delivering written content, and succeed at achieving more traffic.
Bottom Line : with proper application of visuals, and correct adoption of techniques, content marketing can surely help you generate brand awareness, build relationship with your customers. The reason why I listed these stats is that I wanted to signify how content marketing is the present and future. You can utilize these stats to determine how your next blog post can be.     

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